Senior week forecast: frustration with a chance of satisfaction
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A trip to Six Flags New England is one feature of the new “senior week.”
The traditional AMSA senior class trip to Disney World was canceled nearly a year ago, leaving many students disappointed and angry. When meetings were called to plan a new trip, students felt hopeful about a potential new tradition, but satisfaction has proved elusive.
A replacement trip to New York City was proposed and later canceled after fewer than 15 students signed up. The perception, if not the stated opinion, of the process and the ultimate replacement – a week of day trips – is a negative one among a large segment of seniors.
Perhaps the prime sticking point is the timing. The day trips comprising “senior week” are right before graduation, after students have already been released from everyday classes.
“I think it’s pointless,” senior Emelia Carvalho said. “I mean, sure I’m excited for the trips, but why let us out on May 30 just to bring us back a few days later? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Many might be asking, Why even go? An obvious answer is that the class of 2023 has missed out on so many traditional experiences and trips because of the Covid pandemic. It’s hard to just say no again, despite the obvious frustrations.
“Having it during our off week is just taking the easy way out because [administrators] wouldn’t have to worry about us missing class,” senior Ava Lausten said. “It seems more beneficial to the administration than to us, honestly. The timing just isn’t ideal if you actually think about it.”
Because this is brand new, students don’t know what to make of the various day trips – including a Boston Harbor cruise, a trip to Maine, and an excursion to Six Flags New England – because there is nothing on which to base an opinion.
“I am less disappointed by the cancelations than I am by the replacement plan,” senior Alex McCullough said. “There is too little information for me to have a full opinion on it. However, the trips don’t seem to be anywhere close to the experience which a trip away from home with friends would be.”
It is a kind of no-win situation at the moment. Two trips canceled (with the Disney trip dating to the early years of the school) and a replacement comprised of day trips with no track record. At least one student was hopeful when administrators and the student government initially got together to discuss a final plan, with input from the student body coming in the form of polling.
“I think the senior week could be pretty good depending on the trips we choose,” senior Tahlene Rydberg said.
Now that the new senior week has been finalized, only time will tell.

Tara is a senior, and it is her first year writing for The AMSA Voice. She has attended AMSA since 6th grade and is excited to make writing for The Voice...

Gianna is senior at AMSA, and this will be her first year writing for The AMSA Voice. She is a member of the Peer Mediation Program, and just accepted...