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Obligated to Truth

The AMSA Voice

Obligated to Truth

The AMSA Voice

Obligated to Truth

The AMSA Voice

The modern age demands that students go digital.

It’s time to embrace the digital textbook revolution

By Brynlee Barrette, Staff writer March 11, 2025

Every morning I see students lugging around textbooks. Pounds of knowledge piled into their arms, or in their bags, weighing them down. Every student has a cellphone or computer at home, with every textbook...

Seniors gather for a portrait in their class color.

Searching for the spirit in spirit week

By Keira Manning and Hailey Rogers February 2, 2025

Keira Manning: Happy New Year, Hailey! I know this is kind of old news, but after participating in our winter spirit week, it reminded me of homecoming week and "color wars." How exactly did you feel color...

School districts now have the choice to make MCAS a graduation requirement.

AMSA needs to keep MCAS as a graduation requirement

By Brynlee Barrette, Staff writer January 31, 2025

The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) was first introduced in the commonwealth in 1993, and it became a high school graduation requirement statewide in 2003 to meet the federal "No Child...

Losing the trip to Disney World was just the latest in a long line of things lost for current seniors.

Goodbye, Disney; goodbye, New York; hello, senior week

By Emily Woodsmall, A&E editor January 19, 2023

When the AMSA administration announced to the seniors, then juniors, that the annual senior Disney trip would be canceled going forward, there was, understandably, a lot of upset young adults. The cancellation...

Will Smith has faced extensive backlash after slapping Chris Rock during the Oscars telecast.

Memo to Will Smith: don’t slap people on live television

By Tessa Donohue, Editor April 26, 2022

As a general rule, one should probably try to avoid hitting someone on live television, unless as part of a boxing match or mixed-martial arts fight. Apparently, nobody alerted Will Smith to this fact...

Getting young people to broaden their horizons is instrumental to learning.

Banning books is censorship and is never a solution

By Patrick Brandt, Photo editor February 28, 2022

Why would someone in a position of power ban books? Is it because of so-called controversial, culturally insensitive material or something as absurd as a superhero wearing underpants? “We’ve done...

The new Texas law has raised significant concerns among pro-choice advocates.

The Texas abortion law cannot stand

By Bella Bush, Opinion editor January 13, 2022

Texas' restrictive new abortion law, enacted last year and still winding its way through the courts in the face of challenges, prohibits women from getting an abortion after six weeks, and it has left...

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