Rahul Harve, Features editor
Rahul is a senior and has attended AMSA since 6th grade. This is his first year writing for The AMSA Voice, and he decided to take the class as he wanted to experience a different style of writing.
At AMSA, Rahul is a part of student government, Model UN, the National Honor Society, and the Diderot Society. Outside of school, Rahul participates in Boy Scouts, where he is a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster in his troop.
He enjoys spending time with family and friends, camping/hiking, volunteering, and reading books. Additionally, he enjoys watching football and baseball, especially the Patriots and Red Sox. He also likes to follow college football during the recruiting season.
Rahul has absolutely no idea what he wants to do in the future, but it could be something in economics, business, political science, or literally anything else.